Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Posted by Picasa Everyone's alive and the barn's still standing! Not only that but Craig say's there's over 1000 board feet of lumber in this tree. Enough to re-side the most of the barn once it's been stabalized! Actually, he came back a few days later and dropped the other white pine that was standing to the left of this one. It was also a threat to the barn but dropping it was much more straightforward. The past week was spent cleaning up the limbs and branches. We have some huge brush piles to burn. The next step is to bring in a loader to pull out the trunks and place them ready for Mr. Sykes to bring in his portable saw mill. Ken and I and probably Craig will help him cut the trunks into 10 and 12 foot boards. We should have a lot left over for an addition to the barn and a workshop.

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