Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Time's flying, so we must be having fun!

I'm sorry for the long silence. My Dad flew over from England to stay with us for the summer and we just haven't stopped!

Before he came, I was trying to get the wall finished and the fence up. I'm glad now that it wasn't completed because I'd forgotten how much Dad likes to be involved with our building projects. He's been feeling really good and raring to go every day! So with his help,we completed the fence and it came out great! Then we divided the donkey field into two sections and built a rustic shelter for them using black locust posts that were growing right there on the steep bank. High winds in March demolished the old shelter.

 Anyway, here are some pics of it all. We built the kissing gate into the corner. I've never seen a corner kissing gate before but it works just fine and I absolutely love being able to walk freely in and out without having to latch and unlatch the gate. Or fiddle around tying and untying baling twine, which is what I'd been using for the last three years!

More to come, but just this for today as it's late and I need to get to bed.

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