Friday, December 15, 2006


Mmmm...Tourtiere! or French Canadian meat pie.

My ex-husband was French Canadian and this meat pie was always the traditional holiday faire at Thanksgiving and Christmas. My ex mother -in -law would bake about 14 of these in one go!

You can make it with regular ground beef but it's usually made with half ground deer meat and half ground pork. I just used straight ground deer for this one and it was wonderful! It also only has a pastry top - I'm trying to help our waist lines!

Here's the very basic recipe for what it's worth. I don't measure anything so it tends to come out a little different every time. Sometimes I add other things like a bit of carrot. It depends what's lurking in the fridge!

Boil and mash 3 or 4 potatoes (we're still using our home grown! Woo Hoo! all that digging paid off)

Brown the ground beef in a skillet. I chop and saute an onion and add that to it.

Season the beef with salt , pepper and about 2 tsp of Alspice. I throw in some onion powder and garlic powder too.

Mix the meat mixture and the mashed potatoes in a bowl then put it in a pie shell with a top and put it in the oven.

Now, someone get the smelling salts for my mum please. She's probably passed out over her keyboard after seeing her totally clueless in the kitchen daughter post a recipe! Posted by Picasa

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