Joshua's been slowly collecting the necessary equipment for the traditional blacksmith's forge he's been dreaming of. He found a wonderful reconditioned anvil, a Champion 400, hand-cranked blower and a post vise at one of the annual "Old Farm Days" festivals in 2014. All he needed was the forge itself. He was planning to make one out of an old brake drum but one day a neighbor called to see if he'd be interested in this old BBQ grill. He thought it would make a good forge.
College and engineering studies are really keeping Josh busy with hours upon hours of homework - calculus II, Statics, Mechanics and Materials, physics II, Yikes! - but he and Frank were able to spend a few weekends over the summer converting the grill. I built him the anvil stand and he and Ken set everything up in what used to be the horse's run in shed.
Josh named it The Farfarer Forge and here are some pictures of the first fire.