Yes! We finally have a closing date on the house. Looks like the big day is going to be the 23rd of this month. Now I can start seriously packing.
Time has just been dragging while waiting and I haven't had much ambition to get down to any art work at all. Which reminds me "ambition" was this weeks theme at Illustration Friday. Oh well, I didn't have any.
I did get my hair cut though! It feels so good to be rid of it. I jumped on the scales as soon as I got home in the hopes of having lost a couple of pounds. No such luck. Another reason I'm looking forward to more manual labor. I'm not fat by any stretch of the imagination but if I sit around much longer I will be.
Also last week Hubby convinced me to go get my eyes checked. Yikes!
The guy said: "read the next to the last line"
After the initial shock I said: "well, why don't I tell you which line I CAN read!"
It wasn't anywhere near the last line. Could this be the reason I keep burning my forehead on my little lamp while carving erasers? Duh! I've kept saying it isn't bright enough.
So Saturday after the hair cut we stopped by the vision center to try on some specks. Bifocals to be exact! Man, they all make me look like the old village school mistress! I'm half tempted to go over the top and get some of those real old fashioned ones with the wings!
But, things could be a lot worse. The week before last we made the trip down to DC to the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Our little son needed to have some new inserts made for his shoes so we had to go to the prosthetic lab. The waiting room was full of young soldiers who had lost limbs in the war. They all had artificial legs or arms. One young guy about 19 0r 20 had both his right arm and right leg missing. They were in good spirits though and getting around amazingly well. In fact if they hadn't been wearing shorts and tee shirts I doubt that we would have noticed anything wrong. But it made us realize how fortunate we are. Ken got home from his 16 months in Iraq in August of last year. His unit was bombed almost every night and RPGs have landed just yards away from him and failed to explode!
We have a lot to be thankful for!